The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: ​​Dow Na’eh Shrine Guide


The Dow Na’eh Shrine or the Three Boxes is one of the many shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This shrine requires Link to figure out a way to press a big pressure plate in the middle of the room to access a big metal cube that can help reach the shrine’s altar and claim the Spirit Orb. This shrine may seem quite confusing, but you will learn how to complete the Dow Na’eh Shrine and obtain the chests in this guide.

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: ​​Dow Na’eh Shrine Guide

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are a total of 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link will get a total of 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.


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The Dow Na’eh Shrine can be found behind a waterfall just south of Lanayru Promenade (east of Kakariko Village). There is a hole in the cliff on the right side of the waterfall to access the shrine. This path directly leads to the Dow Na’eh Shrine. Additionally, the Dow Na’eh Shrine is one of seven shrines in the Hateno Tower Region.

Three Boxes

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Upon entering the shrine, you will see that a pool of water surrounds the platform that Link is on, and just ahead of Link in the middle of the pool, is a huge pressure plate. Then, just ahead of the huge pressure plate is another platform with a rising platform on the left, a huge metal cube inside a closed gate on the right, and the altar above it.

To complete Dow Na’eh Shrine, this is what Link must do:

  1. Head down the ramp and swim towards the huge pressure plate.
  2. Assuming you are still facing the same way as entering the shrine, there is a chest underwater just northeast of the pressure plate. Use the Magnesis Rune ability to pull the chest out of the water and on top of the pressure plate. Open the chest to obtain an Opal.
  3. Next, on the left side of the pressure plate, there is another chest being held up by a wooden platform that is being held up by ropes. You can either shoot the ropes with Link’s bow and arrow to drop the chest into the water and use the Magnesis Rune ability to bring it to the pressure plate, or you can simply stand on the edge of the pressure plate until the range of the Magnesis Rune ability is able to reach the chest and bring it to the pressure plate. Open the chest to claim a Zora Sword.
  4. Then, head on the platform just ahead of Link where you will find another chest on top of the rising platform. Open the chest to obtain an Amber.
  5. After that, use the Magnesis Rune ability to bring that chest also on top of the huge pressure plate. Then, the weight of the three chests will be able to press the huge pressure plate which will cause the gate of the huge metal cube to open.
  6. Next, use the Magnesis Rune ability to move the huge metal cube onto the rising platform. It is important to note that the metal cube should be placed near the left and bottom edge. This will prove useful as you will use this metal cube to get up on the higher platform.
  7. Then, get on the rising platform and when it reaches its peak, get on the metal platform on the left. After that, when the rising platform is all the way down, jump and get on the huge metal cube you put in a while ago. Next, when the rising platform reaches its peak again, jump and get on the higher metal platform.
  8. Finally, go to the altar, talk to the monk, and claim your Spirit Orb!

As mentioned above, the Dow Na’eh Shrine or the Three Boxes is one of seven shrines in the Hateno Tower region. The other shrines are the Myahm Agana Shrine or the Myahm Agana Apparatus, the Kam Urog Shrine or the Trial of Passage, the Jitan Sa’mi Shrine or Jitan Sa’mi’s Blessing, the Mezza Lo Shrine or the Ancient Trifecta, the Tahno O’ah Shrine or Tahno O’ah’s Blessing, and the Chaas Qeta Shrine or A Major Test of Strength.

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