The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: Tahno O’ah Shrine Guide


One of the Shrines in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the Tahno O’ah Shrine or Tahno O’ah’s Blessing. The Shrine itself is no challenge at all. As you enter the Tahno O’ah Shrine, Link can access the Shrine’s chest, and he can access the altar and talk to the monk immediately. The real challenge is completing the Secret of the Cedars Shrine Quest to access Tahno O’ah Shrine. In this guide, you will learn how to complete the Secret of the Cedars Shrine Quest to access and complete Tahno O’ah Shrine and obtain the chest inside.

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: Tahno O’ah Shrine Guide

Link will be rewarded with Spirit Orbs for completing Shrines. The Spirit Orbs obtained can be exchanged for more Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels. As there are a total of 120 Shrines all over Hyrule, Link will get a total of 120 Spirit Orbs. You get to decide whether you want Link to have more Hearts or more Stamina.


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The Tahno O’ah Shrine is located behind a breakable wall that can be found up a cliff just west of the Afromsia Coast. The location of the Shrine can be found northeast of the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab or southeast of the peak of Mount Lanayru or the Spring of Wisdom. The Tahno O’ah Shrine is one of seven shrines in the Hateno Tower Region.

Secrets of the Cedars

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To start the Secrets of the Cedars Shrine Quest, talk to Clavia, who can be found at the end of a fishing platform behind the Kochi Dye Shop in Hateno Village. She will point to the three Cedar trees that are visible at the top of Lanayru Mountain and tell Link of a small letter stuck between the pages of an old book she has that says: “When the three summit trees become one, turn your back to them and head toward the sea. A trial encased in stone awaits you there.” She will then tell Link that maybe it means she should head to Afromsia Coast, which is east of the Cedar trees. However, because she has a son, she can not explore, so she will ask Link to go there for her as she thinks there will be a treasure.

To complete this Shrine Quest, you have to follow where the Cedar trees are leading (from left to right). Clavia has mentioned a clue to where the Shrine is: Afromsia Coast.

You can reach the Tahno O’ah Shrine by starting from the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab, jumping and gliding off the northeast cliff, landing on the western cliff of Walnot Mountain, continuing to walk to the northwest until you reach a cliff, and down the cliff, you will see Cedar trees. Glide down and face to the west, and you will see the breakable wall

However, if you have already finished the Jitan Sa’mi Shrine in the Spring of Wisdom, fast travel to it, and from the southeast cliff, you can see where the Cedar Trees are pointing (from right to left). You can start there, jump and glide off the cliff, and land in the area shown on the map above.

The Secrets of the Cedars Shrine Quest will be completed once you enter the Tahno O’ah Shrine! Then, after you have completed the Shrine, you can go back and talk to Clavia, and she will be unimpressed and disappointed that the trial is a shrine instead of a treasure as they have a shrine in the village.

Tahno O’ah’s Blessing

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Now that you have completed the Secrets of the Cedars Shrine Quest, you can now enter the Tahno O’ah Shrine. This Shrine will no longer have a challenge or puzzle inside as the puzzle was already on trying to access the Shrine. Upon entering the Shrine, this is what Link must do:

  1. Upon entering the Dagah Keek Shrine, head up the stairs and open the chest to obtain Climbing Boots.
  2. Then, just after the chest, continue ahead and talk to the monk and claim your Spirit Orb!

As mentioned above, the Tahno O’ah Shrine or Tahno O’ah’s Blessing is one of seven shrines in the Hateno Tower region. The other shrines are the Myahm Agana Shrine or the Myahm Agana Apparatus, the Kam Urog Shrine or the Trial of Passage, the Jitan Sa’mi Shrine or Jitan Sa’mi’s Blessing, the Dow Na’eh Shrine or the Three Boxes, the Chaas Qeta Shrine or A Major Test of Strength, and the Mezza Lo Shrine or the Ancient Trifecta.

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