The next Assassin’s Creed is reportedly a standalone game starring Valhalla character Basim


Next Assassin's Creed Valhalla Standalone Game BasimAs it often is with the AAA games industry, we can hardly go a year without another installment of an already bloated franchise. No, I’m not referring to Call of Duty. This time. In a report by Bloomberg, it appears Ubisoft is looking to deliver the next Assassin’s Creed as a standalone starring the Middle Eastern Basim from Valhalla. According to the report, the game was first meant to be an expansion for Valhalla. It spun off the base game during development and now will get released sometime this year or next. As a standalone game, it won’t be as large as Valhalla or its predecessors. The report also claims that the game is more focused on stealth action. Considering it’s following Basim, the standalone Assassin’s Creed game is likely filling in lore gaps following his introduction in Valhalla.   But, of course, Ubisoft is staying mum. Speaking to Bloomberg, a Ubisoft representative refused to confirm the rumor. Eurogamer, however, did speak wit…

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