The Nintendo Power Hotline | All Things Nintendo


allthingsnintendo 020

Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 2, GameCube, PC, iOS
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Release: January 11, 2005 (GameCube), October 25, 2005 (PlayStation 2), May 15, 2007 (PC), June 19, 2007 (Wii), July 27, 2009 (iOS), September 20, 2011 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360), August 30, 2016 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One), May 21, 2019 (Switch)
Rating: Mature

Before the internet was in every house and on every phone, video game players had few options when they got stuck in a game. While many opted to buy a strategy guide or ask a friend for help, Nintendo gave players the option to seek the assistance of professionals through the Nintendo Power Hotline. This week, Brian is joined by Game Informer senior associate editor Blake Hester to talk about his recent article digging into what it was like working at the Nintendo Power Hotline, and what Nintendo of America was like in the 1990s.

If you’d like to follow the people from this episode on Twitter: Brian Shea (@brianpshea), Blake Hester (@metallicaisrad)

The All Things Nintendo podcast is a weekly show where we can celebrate, discuss, and break down all the latest games, news, and announcements from the industry’s most recognizable name. Each week, Brian is joined by different guests to talk about what’s happening in the world of Nintendo. Along the way, they’ll share personal stories, uncover hidden gems in the eShop, and even look back on the classics we all grew up with. A new episode hits every Friday!

Be sure to subscribe to All Things Nintendo on your favorite podcast platform. The show is available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Google Podcasts.

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:02:57 – First Nintendo Game/Favorite Nintendo Game
00:13:15 – Nintendo Hacker Sentenced/Wii U and 3DS eShops Closing
00:21:43 – Sonic Movie and TV Show
00:30:42 – The Nintendo Power Hotline
00:59:34 – Definitive Ranking: Games We Wish We Had A Gameplay Counselor’s Help
01:08:04 – eShop Gem of the Week: OlliOlli World

If you’d like to get in touch with the All Things Nintendo podcast, you can do so by emailing, tweeting to Brian (@BrianPShea), or by joining the official Game Informer Discord server. You can do that by linking your Discord account to your Twitch account and subscribing to the Game Informer Twitch channel. From there, find the All Things Nintendo channel under “Community Spaces.”

For more Game Informer podcasts, be sure to check out The Game Informer Show, which covers the weekly happenings of the video game industry, and Video Gameography with host Ben Reeves, which explores the history of video games – one series at a time! We also have From Panel to Podcast from host Andrew Reiner, covering everything from the world of comic books, including the shows, movies, and games that spawn from them! 

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