The Stereo announce new album ‘Thirteen’ and podcast series Kings of No Hope


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Photo credit: Rene Cervantes

Pop-rock band The Stereo have announced their new studio album Thirteen today.

The release, which will be unveiled this year, will be the follow-up to the band’s 2002 studio album Rewind + Record. In a statement, The Stereo call the 13-track album “the spiritual sequel to our debut album Three Hundred.” If that’s not enough, the band will release a five-episode podcast series titled Kings of No Hope, which chronicles the band’s history. The podcast features special guests such as Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump, New Found Glory’s Chad Gilbert, and Chris Carrabba

A Kickstarter page to help fund the album and podcast is live, and the band already reached their first goal. The current stretch goal is $20,000, which will unlock the album on white color vinyl.

Fans can expect something to drop from the band on February 18.

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