Tim Schafer says new IP only, no Warcraft Adventures remake


Tim Schafer says new IP only, no Warcraft Adventures remake

While StarCraft: Ghost and the MMORPG Titan are Blizzard’s most famous cancelled games, they aren’t the only ones. Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans was an early, pre-WoW attempt to expand the Warcraft lore through a point-and-click adventure game. But now that Activision Blizzard is about to be under the same banner as the adventure veterans at Double Fine, is there hope for a revival?

Double Fine boss Tim Schafer says no. “[Former Double Fine developer, now at Valve] Brad Muir was suggesting that we take on Warcraft Adventures,” Schafer tells IGN. “You know, the Full Throttle-era adventure game that they made. But no, we like to make up our own stuff at Double Fine, so they will not be handing us any IPs.”

In fact, after the release of the excellent Psychonauts 2, Schafer wants to get back to all original stuff at Double Fine. Schafer says “There’s been some technical other games that I’ve worked on that have been sequels, but the first real big follow-up to a big story was Pscyhnonauts 2. I think it leads me to want to do new, original stuff for the next phase. Coming up with new ideas is really where my head is at right now.”

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