Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Trailer Details the Graveborn and Spore Warden Classes

Gearbox Software has a new trailer out for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, covering the final two of the six classes available at launch. These are the Graveborn, who unleashes dark magic, and the Spore Warden who uses nature to best foes. Check them out below.
The Graveborn’s abilities include Reaper of Bones which grants bonus lifesteal and magic damage at the cost of health drain. Dire Sacrifice uses 20 percent of one’s current health to damage all nearby enemies with dark magic. The class also gains a Demilich which is noted to be cursed (though how it benefits remains to be seen).
The Spore Warden is a mix of nature spells and Ranger tactics (along with its own pet). Barrage of Arrows allows for shooting seven arrows at once while Blizzard unleashes three icy cyclones that will seek out foes. If one decides to multi-class, then it’s possible to have double pets which is neat.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is out on March 25th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC.