Top 20 Best Squad Names in Mobile Legends

  • Everyone is on the lookout for some eye-catching squad names for their Mobile Legends squad.

  • Here is a compilation of the best squad names for Mobile Legends that you can browse over.

Everyone is on the lookout for some eye-catching squad names for their Mobile Legends squad. Squads are an important aspect of a competitive multiplayer game. It builds a small community of players who will find friendship and companions to play ranked games together. Players can either find a squad or make their own after reaching account level 20. Finding the best squad names that will attract people’s attention can be a hard task to accomplish. To help you on your search, here is our quick guide on how to create your own squad and a compilation of the best squad names for Mobile Legends that you can browse over.

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Top 20 Best Squad Names in Mobile Legends

Here is a list of the best squad names that you can use in Mobile Legends. Take note that a squad name should contain a minimum of six characters and a maximum of 16 characters. 

  1. Emperors – EMP

  2. Supremes – SPRM

  3. Brute Force – BF

  4. Rumble – RMBL

  5. Trojans – TRJN

  6. Unicorns – UNI

  7. Volcanoes – VLCN

  8. Raging Bulls – RB

  9. Collision Course – CC

  10. Snake Eyes – SE

  11. Adrenaline – ADR

  12. Monarchy – MNRC

  13. Expendables – EXP

  14. Rascals – RSCL

  15. Deathwish – DW

  16. Rangers – RNGR

  17. Rampage – RMPG

  18. Savages – SVG

  19. Dothraki – DOTH

  20. Super Humans – SH

Top 10 Manifestos for Mobile Legends Squads

A manifesto is a short description of your squad in MLBB. This will let people know more about your squad or simply write an inspirational quote. The manifesto should contain a maximum of 100 words or less. Here is a compilation of slogans and quotes you can use;

  1. Be prepared! “If only” are the famous last words of those who weren’t.

  2. Great opportunities come to those who make the most of small ones.

  3. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

  4. A game tag is an aggregation of all the actions you have done in competition

  5. I’m afraid of losing my skills, losing to other players. But when I practice long enough I don’t get afraid. – Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok

  6. People always say that you can grind, grind, grind, but if you don’t get quality practice, then there’s no point.

  7. All I have in this life is endurance. I don’t give up. Even if it all goes to shit and I fail, I keep going. -Thooorin

  8. Sometimes it’s not how GOOD you are, but how BAD you want it.

  9. Victory comes to those who make the least mistakes.

  10. It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

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How to Create Squad in Mobile Legends

Creating a squad is pretty straightforward. However, it costs 199 diamonds to make one, so take this into consideration. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a squad in Mobile Legends;

1. Tap on the squad icon below your friends list.

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Click on the icon Lower Right Corner

The squad icon is right under your friends list.

2. Tap on the create squad tab and fill up the necessary information. You can use the squad names and manifestos provided in this article as references.

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Click Create

Creating a squad costs 199 diamonds.

3. Pay 199 diamonds to create your clan.

After creating your squad, you can start recruiting players and build your own small community.

That’s all you need to know about squads in Mobile Legends. Stay tuned for more guides and news regarding upcoming content for MLBB.

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