Triangle Strategy Trailer Details Frederica Aesfrost, Tough Choices, and Mock Battles


Following up on a trailer that introduced Roland Glenbrook, Square Enix’s Triangle Strategy has a new trailer that’s all about Frederica Aesfrost. As the daughter of King Gustadolph, she’s currently betrothed to Seronoa Wolffort. Learn more about her below.

Frederica’s character is described as honorable, turning her back on Gustadolph and his coup of Glenbrook in favor of Seronoa. However, throughout the journey, one will need to make tough choices that could go against her wishes. For instance, you may have to forsake the Roselle, Frederica’s people, in order to secure House Wolffort’s domain.

Of course, if you choose to fight, then there will be plenty of avenues available. One can learn new skills and abilities along with partaking in mock battles to practice tactics. Triangle Strategy is out on March 4th for Nintendo Switch and currently has a free demo available on the Nintendo eShop. Stay tuned for more details on it in the coming weeks.

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