Uncharted Movie’s Final Trailer Is Corny, Compelling


Aw, crap.

After a decade writing about the Uncharted Movie, spanning the entire history of Push Square, here’s its final trailer ahead of its 11th February release in cinemas. Sony has not been shy showing off set-pieces from this flick, and it’s hard to imagine there’s much left in the final edit. We once again get clips of the airplane scene here, as well as the airlifted pirate ships.

To be fair, this a pretty cool trailer that’s one part corny and two parts compelling. Fans are still split on some of the casting, but there’s no question this looks like a fun ride, with spectacle befitting of the brand it belongs to. Remember, if you buy Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection – or upgrade your PS4 copies – then you may be eligible for a free movie ticket. More details on that through here.

Read the full article on pushsquare.com

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