VALORANT: Killjoy Nanoswarm Lineups for Fracture (Post-plant)


Fracture is one of the smaller maps in VALORANT. However, despite being a smaller map, the entire map’s skybox is relatively open and clutter-free, allowing players to set up molly lineups for post-plant play easily.

VALORANT: Killjoy Nanoswarm Lineups for Fracture (Post-plant)

Killjoy’s Nanoswarm Grenade is an underrated post-plant lineup molly, which is understandable because the Nanoswarm Grenades already have a manual trigger built-in. Most new Killjoy players opt to “plant” their Nanoswarm Grenade around the proximity of the planted Spike.

However, the Nanoswarm Grenades are vulnerable to any enemy utility that can damage an area. The enemy team can easily clear out any Nanoswarm “traps” around the Spike by simply using their utility.

One way to easily counteract this is by using Killjoy’s Nanoswarm Grenades as a projectile molly.

Here are some useful post-plant Nanoswarm lineups for Fracture!

Killjoy Nanoswarm

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Killjoy’s Nanoswarm is a molly-type ability that deals quick damage over time to a large radius. Killjoy’s Nanoswarm ability can be equipped at the beginning of each round for just 200 credits each and a maximum of two charges.

What sets Killjoy’s molly ability apart from other molly-type abilities like Phoenix’s Hot Hands, Viper’s Snake Bite, and KAY/O’s FRAG/MENT is Killjoy’s ability to place the grenades before the start of the round and activate them at any time within the same round. After placing the Nanoswarm Grenades, they will become completely invisible until enemy players stand next to them.

Among the other molly-type abilities present in VALORANT, Killjoy’s Nanoswarm Grenade is the only molly ability in VALORANT that does not activate upon landing. However, a slight caveat is that KJ’s Nanoswarm Grenades shells can be destroyed when damaged by gunfire or abilities that deal damage over an area. Killjoy’s Nanoswarm Grenades also emit a subtle buzzing noise when enemy players stand close enough to the Nanoswarm Grenades, which can alert enemy players of the Nanoswarm Grenade’s hidden location.

Fracture A-site – Default Open Nanoswarm Grenade Lineup

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This first lineup is a simple but effective lineup for defending the spike post-plant in A-site. This lineup is easy to execute and is far away from the rotating enemy team players.

You can double-up on the Nanoswarm Grenade lineups (since Killjoy has a maximum of two charges) to ensure that the enemy team will not be able to defuse the bomb at all.

  1. Look for this corner close to the ramps at Dish:
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2. Tuck yourself in the corner and then look up towards the 08-wall’s corner:

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3. Place your crosshair just above this corner, then left-click-throw the Nanoswarm Grenade:

image 11

When done correctly, the Nanoswarm Grenade should land around the Default area:

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Fracture A-site – Default 2nd Floor Nanoswarm Grenade Lineup

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Here is another lineup for Fracture A-site if you or your teammate had no choice but to plant at the 2nd floor of Default A-site.

Default 2nd floor is also a great plant spot for Fracture A-site. If you and your teammates know exactly where the Spike is planted, your team can easily spam and wall bang the Spike spot on post-plant.

To increase your team’s chances of effectively defending the Spike on post-plant, Killjoy players can use this Nanoswarm lineup to delay/stop the enemy team from defusing the Spike.

  1. Look for the same corner at Dish as the Default Nanoswarm Lineup:
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2. Tuck yourself in the same corner, then look up and search for this gap:

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3. Place your crosshair on the small gap:

image 12

4. Left-click-throw the Nanoswarm Grenade:

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When done properly, the Nanoswarm Grenade should land on the second floor of Default.

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Fracture A-site – Default Behind Cover Nanoswarm Grenade Lineup

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This spot is by far the most common plant spot on Fracture A-site. This location gives Attackers the quick cover they need to have the Spike planted. The close corners are also great for playing defense if you decide to play close to the Spike.

Nevertheless, here is a quick Nanoswarm Lineup to secure your team’s Spike plant at A-site Default.

  1. Look for this steel strip just after you exit the automatic doors from A-Hall:
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2. Hug the corner until you are flush with the wall:

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3. Turn around and look for this corner:

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image 13

4. Align the top right corner of the Nanoswarm Mouse Click indicator on the same corner:

image 14

5. Left-click-throw the Nanoswarm Grenade:

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When done correctly, the Nanoswarm Grenade should settle nicely at Default:

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Fracture B-site – Default Nanoswarm Lineup


Fracture’s B-site gives Attackers a post-plant advantage thanks to its elevated platform. This slight elevation can help Attackers peek over walls and smokes to catch rotating Defenders off guard.

This next lineup aims to..

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