Voivod release new single “Synchro Anarchy”


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Photo credit: Catherine Deslauriers

Canadian prog-metal band Voivod have unveiled the title track to their forthcoming album Synchro Anarchy today.

The song comes with a music video directed by Syl Disjonk, who previously worked with the band on their “The End Of Dormancy” and “Kluskap ‘O Kom” music videos. Voivod drummer Michel “Away” Langevin said this about the new single:

“After coming back from the European tour with GWAR at the end of 2019, we took a break and got back together in early 2020 to record some new ideas and improvisations. After finishing one of these sessions, while untying my running shoes, I had a flash of a rhythm where I would skip one beat every bar. I told the band I had an idea and walked towards the drums but I stepped on one of my shoelaces, missed a step and almost fell on the drum kit.

Everybody laughed, then I played the beat, which Chewy recorded and named ‘Away’s Shoelace Incident’. This gave Snake the idea to write about these strange timings where somebody would stop to tie up his shoe only to be closely missed by a flying wheel of a car. At one point Snake had shorten the title to ‘Shoelace’ but I noticed in his lyrics the words Synchro Anarchy and told him it would be a great name for the song.

When we were done recording the songs we all thought it would also be a good title for the album. It is really representative of the planet we live on and the way we had to build the LP out of snippets of ideas like a huge puzzle.”

Pre-orders for Synchro Anarchy, which will be released on February 11 via Century Media Records, can be made here. Synchro Anarchy is the follow-up to Voivod’s 2018 studio album The Wake, which won the Juno Award for Metal/Hard Music Album of the Year.

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