Warframe’s Next Expansion Announced, Releases Later This Year


Free to play action RPG Warframe finally received its long-awaited expansion The New War last year. However, as is often the case, it was only the beginning and Digital Extremes is currently working on the next big thing. In its recent  Devstream, it confirmed that the next expansion is Angels of the Zariman which would release “soon.”

How soon is “soon” remains to be seen but it’s confirmed to be part of update 31.5. Angels of the Zariman will be adding a new quest, Warframe and “at least two” new game modes to mix. Story details are lacking but the Zariman has played a central role in the story as the ship that the Tenno traveled on (which subsequently exposed them to the Void and granted them their powers).

Before that, Digital Extremes will release update 31.1 “Echoes of War.” This allows one to replay The New War and experience its story missions again. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

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