Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus’ latest video showcases the Necrons as playable faction


Today, developer Snowprint Studios has announced that the Necrons will be a playable faction in their upcoming strategy title Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus. To coincide with the announcement, the developer has released a new video that showcases what their units brings to the table, which you can check out below. The faction has various units that excel in different situations. Necron Warriors prefer to do battle at range using their Gauss Flayer Guns to pick off enemies. They can also be revived using Reanimation Protocols. Necron Flayed Ones, meanwhile, prefer to get up close and personal, tearing metal and flesh alike apart with their claws. Finally, Deathmarks sit far from the action and snipe enemies one at a time. … [MORE]

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