We’re Streaming The First Two Hours Of Dying Light 2 Stay Human On Wednesday Evening


dying light 2 stream

Dying Light 2 Stay Human releases this Friday and we’re playing the first two hours of the anticipated zombie parkour sequel on stream. The action begins tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. Central on Twitch.tv/GameInformer, or you can bookmark this page and watch the livestream in the video player below. Regardless, we’re looking forward to hanging out with you and answering any questions you might have. 

Our Dying Light 2 review drops tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. Central on our website and YouTube channel, and then on Thursday we’ll be continuing our save file from Wednesday’s stream and playing co-op alongside other Game Informer staff members.

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As you watch, we encourage you to join the excellent Game Informer community in the chat. Ask any questions you have about Dying Light 2 and we’ll answer them when we have a break in the zombie-chasing action. Subscribing to our Twitch channel also nets you access to the official Game Informer Discord channel, where you can engage with the editors and community in a plethora of fun discussions. Thanks for watching!

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