What are you playing this weekend?


I dunno what the weather is like in your neck of the woods, but it sure is cold and snowy here in my portion of the US. Heck, it even got so cold in some places in Florida this week that iguanas were dropping out of the trees. Poor things.

While not as cold here as it is in, oh say Boston, it’s still very chilly. Thankfully, when the remnants of the nor’easter storm hit here, it didn’t deliver inches of ice as was predicted. Ice can be very troublesome.

Still, we were prepared for the worst. The intended and I stocked up on gas for the generator and kerosene for the portable heater in case the power went out, we gassed up the vehicles, went to the grocery, the liquor store (we were out of wine!) and I made a huge pot of white chili. Do you know what else I did? I pre-ordered Dying Light 2 through Steam so I would be ready to dive in come Friday evening. The Xbox One copy of the game is supposedly out for delivery right now, so the man of the house will have his copy soon.

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