Which class to choose in Lost Ark


Looking for the best class in Lost Ark? At first you might think there aren’t many to choose from, but each class has two or more subclasses, which offer varying playstyles based on the original. Some are gender-locked, too, so that’s something else to be aware of.

Picking a class can be overwhelming when you’re presented with so much choice, so I’ve broken down the classes to help you find the one you’ll enjoy most. You get the chance to try out each of the subclasses before you need to make your decision, so this guide aims to help you narrow things down. Here are the Lost Ark classes, along with the playstyles of each subclass.

Warrior (melee)

Lost Ark classes

(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)

Warriors in Lost Ark are exactly what you’d expect them to be. They’re generally tanky hard-hitters without much in the way of mobility.

Berserker (male)
Despite using a greatsword as a weapon, Berserkers have relatively quick attack animations and decent defence. They can buff themselves and a party for big damage and they’ll gain increased movement speed during these burst windows.

Paladin (male)
A Paladin is primarily a support class with the ability to shield and buff themselves and party members. This doesn’t mean they can’t dish out the damage, though, and they have decent defence to help them stay alive.

Gunlancer (male)
The true tank of the three warrior subclasses, the Gunlancer absorbs damage and protects party members. They can shield themselves and allies and can pull enemies towards them—think WoW’s death knight ability—making up for their lack of mobility.

Martial Artist (melee)

Lost Ark classes

(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)

Martial artists generally use varying types of fist weapons to damage enemies. They are quick on the battlefield, with both attack speed and mobility working in their favour.

Striker (male)
The Striker excels at fast attacks and aerial combos. Some skills knock enemies high into the air or launch themselves up, to bring the pain to foes from above. The Striker is a solid choice if you enjoy lightning-fast, close-quarters combat.

Wardancer (female)
The Wardancer is similar to the Striker. They rely on quick skills and high mobility, and they can charge up attacks or store up elemental power to blast their enemies for significant damage. 

Scrapper (female)
The Scrapper has a similar playstyle to the Striker and Wardancer, but relies on two opposing resources that you’ll need to balance to make use of this subclass. You’ll need to weave between the two types of attacks, so you don’t run out of one resource at a critical moment.

Soulfist (female)
The Soulfist uses a mixture of melee and ranged attacks, making it slightly different from the other Martial Artist subclasses. They can combine their skills to create powerful combos and channel special energy to help empower their abilities further or help them in the heat of battle.

Gunner (ranged)

Lost Ark classes

(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)

Gunners rely on guns or bows to take down enemies at range. Each subclass specialises in a particular ranged playstyle.

Gunslinger (female)
The Gunslinger is a very mobile class that can switch quickly between weapons to suit the combat range and situation. The three gun types offer different degrees of damage and utility, so knowing when to switch between them is vital for success.

Artillerist (male)
The Artillerist is the least mobile of the Gunner subclasses, but it makes up for that with its resilience. Its huge gun deals considerable damage to large groups of enemies, and certain skills will make short work of foes by launching them into the air or pushing them back.

Deadeye (male)
The Deadeye subclass has a very similar playstyle to the Gunslinger. They rely on switching between three different weapon types to adapt to different situations, and the high mobility and fast playstyle makes them look and feel flashy on the battlefield.

Sharpshooter (male)
The Sharpshooter excels at damage from a distance and is the most ranged of the Gunner subclasses. Some skills offer a stealth effect, and you can knock enemies away if they get too close for comfort. The range of most Sharpshooter skills means the immediate threats won’t impair you like they do melee fighters.

Mage (ranged)

Lost Ark classes

(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)

Mages are the primary spell-slingers of Arkesia. Depending on the subclass you choose, they can use their magical abilities to deal damage or heal allies.

Bard (female)
The Bard is the real support class of the MMO. Their lack of defence and mobility is redeemed by the healing, shields, and buffs they bring with them. That’s not to say they can’t deal damage either—but their low attack power can’t compare to other, more focused damage classes.

Sorceress (female)
The Sorceress has a classic Mage playstyle. Three different elements are used predominantly to deal AoE damage, either in a big burst or as damage over time. Icy attacks slow the movement speed of enemies, allowing you to line up bigger hits with more powerful spells.

Assassin (melee)

Lost Ark classes

(Image credit: Smilegate RPG)

The Assassin subclasses are both melee fighters, using dark forces to transform themselves or eliminate enemies with quick sword attacks.

Shadowhunter (female)
The Shadowhunter uses its twin glaives to damage enemies and can transform into powerful demonic forms, giving higher health and movement speed for the duration. They look similar to WoW’s Demon Hunter on paper, but their playstyle appears to be pretty different.

Deathblade (female)
The Deathblade uses several swords to perform quick combo attacks and works best when positioned behind enemies. Thanks to its high mobility, it’s easy to get around the battlefield and line yourself up for back attacks, but it’s a subclass that’s harder to master than it might seem.

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