Will someone please give my Lost Ark gunslinger some trousers?


lost ark hotpants 4

Lost Ark is a new free-to-play MMORPG that is notable because a) it is a hack ‘n’ slash grind that makes it a bit like a free version of Diablo, b) I have no idea what is happening at any given point in time while playing it, instead drowning in a soup made of words like ‘destiny’, and c) the player characters look like they work at a sex dungeon. Specifically work at, rather than participate in. They serve drinks and clean wipe-down sofas for minimum wage, and they don’t particularly want to be wearing a latex catsuit, but here we are.

For example, I’m pretty sure my gunslinger character works at a steampunk cowboy themed erotique parlour. I actually quite enjoy her attack style, a sort of hyper-aggressive DPS that allows her to switch between three different gun stances (pistols, shotgun and rifle). The dual pistols in particular come with a load of crowd-control AOE attacks like explosions and spinning bullets firing smaller bullets, or something. And while there is some kind of story involving demons and a war and bits of stone (something something destiny), my gunslinger’s quest is, currently, the single-minded pursuit of a pair of trousers.

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