Wine 7.2 spilled out with the beginnings of a WMA decoder

The dedicated team building up the Windows compatibility layer Wine have release a new development version with Wine 7.2 now available. This is the compatibility layer that allows you to run games and applications developed for Windows – on Linux (plus also macOS and BSD). It’s a major part of what makes up Steam Play Proton. Once a year or so, a new stable release is made.
Here’s the highlights of the release:
- Large scale cleanup to support ‘long’ type with MSVCRT.
- Mono engine updated to version 7.1.1.
- More theming fixes in common controls.
- Beginnings of a WMA decoder.
- Support for 64-bit time_t.
- Various bug fixes.
As per usual the bug fixes are a big assorted bunch, since Wine has to fix up compatibility with a never ending amount of Windows applications and games from a great many years ago to modern stuff. This time only 23 were tagged as fixed as of this release including issues with Half-Life (CD version), Call of Juarez and other miscellaneous applications.
No new issue of World Wine News as of yet though, it will probably come along later with a little more info into recent ongoings in Wine land.