World Of Warcraft Finally Adding Cross-Faction Play For Raids, Dungeons, And More

Blizzard has announced that World of Warcraft will finally allow cross-faction play between the Horde and the Alliance, albeit with some notable caveats.
In a development preview, it was revealed that Horde and Alliance players will soon be able to form cross-faction premade parties for dungeons, raids, and rated PvP as part of the upcoming 9.2.5. update. But Blizzard isn’t loosening its faction-specific reigns more than that–at least for now–due to its insistence that the two warring factions remain a fundamental component of the popular MMO.
After all, the company has previously been known for standing firmly against friendly cross-faction interactions like grouping and communication, stating in a response to a question at BlizzCon 2019 that opposing factions are “a pillar of what makes Warcraft, Warcraft.” It seems that this new outlook is a sign that the team is finally relaxing just a bit on the matter, though.