WoW Classic Season of Mastery Phase 3 COUNTDOWN: Release Time & Latest News


World of Warcraft Classic Season of Mastery Phase 3 launches in less than a day, which means WoW fans will get to enjoy the release of Blackwing Lair, partake in the Darkmoon Faire, and more.

Release Date & Time

WoW Classic Season of Mastery Phase 3 goes live on Thursday, February 10th.

Players can expect the patch to go live at roughly 6 pm EST after a possible brief period of maintenance.

Blackwing Lair

Phase 3’s release signifies the first new major raid since Phase 1, the Blackwing Lair. Inhabited by the Black Dragon, Nefarian, the Blackwing Lair was his attempt to take the fight to Ragnaros, conducting experiments in order to bolster his forces.

Blackwing Lair is a 40-man raid located atop Blackrock Mountain that contains eight bosses, with the end boss being Nefarian. All bosses drop Tier 2 Raid Set, excluding leg and head slots which come from Ragnaros and Onyxia respectively. The eight bosses are as follows:

  • Razorgore the Untamed
  • Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
  • Broodlord Lashlayer
  • Firemaw
  • Ebonroc
  • Flamegor
  • Chromaggus
  • Nefarian

Apart from tier, these bosses are home to other extraordinary drops that are a must-have for any raider. These items such as the Rejuvenating Gem and Neltharion’s Tear trinkets, the Pure Elementium Band, and weapons like Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood, Ashjre’thul, Crossbow of Smiting, and many more are great reasons to go into the Raid.

To add to drops, Blackwing Lair is also a place where players can find Elementrium Ore which is used to smelt Elementium Bars which is needed for Thundefury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.

Darkmoon Faire

Alongside Blackwing Lair, WoW players will be able to enjoy the Darkmoon Faire. The Faire offers games, vendors, prizes, and rewards, including some very valuable Best in Slot items.

Players will be able to find the Faire in two static locations, Mulgore for Horde, Elwynn Forest for Alliance — this doesn’t mean that players from opposite factions can’t visit when it’s not in their hometown though.

The Faire’s setup begins on the first Friday of the month, and it opens the following Monday. Players cannot interact with anything in the Faire grounds during the setup period.

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