WoW Love is in the Air Event: Start Date, Rewards & Everything you need to know

World of Warcraft’s Love Is in the Air event is the game’s way to celebrate love and friendship. Players get to exchange gifts and candy and even show their appreciation for their faction leaders.
Like any WoW event, apart from the festivities, it exists for the average WoW player’s benefit, be it with buffs, cosmetics, or achievements and for both Classic and Retail WoW, these may differ.
With that in mind, here’s how the Love Is in the Air event works for WoW Classic and Shadowlands alike.
Love Is in the Air Start Date
The WoW Love is in the Air Event has two different starting dates for both Classic and Retail. On Classic’s side, the event begins on Friday, February 11th, and ends on Wednesday, February 16th while on the Retail’s side, the event began on Monday, February 7th, and will end on Monday, February 21st.
This means that although it begins later, Classic players only have less than a week to get all their love out while Retail players get two weeks.
Love Is in the Air Event Details
In a similar way to Classic and Retail differing in their dates, the same can be said about each’s events. On one hand, Classic’s Love Is in the Air Event has little to do apart from the consuming of candy leading to one hr buffs while Retail’s makes Classic’s neigh recognizable.
WoW Classic
For Classic, there are several items in the event that give useful buffs. There are two ways of obtaining these buffs: through A Pledge or Gift of Adoration, which is obtainable once per hour, or by completing the quest, the Aristan’s Hunch (Alliance)/ Fenstad’s Hunch (Horde). As opposed to the quest, the Pledge/Gift method is repeatable as the quest can only be done once per character.
Once either of these is completed, you will be rewarded with a Box of Chocolates with individual candies inside. These candies are:
- Dark Desire: improves chance to hit 2%. This improves melee hit only, not spell hit.
- Very Berry Cream: +23 spell damage
- Buttermilk Delight: +13 defense
- Sweet Surprise: +44 healing
Another method to receive power one-hour buffs is by collecting items in individual cities to create City Gift Collections. When you combine these, you will receive one of the following buffs:
- +30 AGI Darknassus Gift Collection or Orgrimmar Gift Collection
- +30 INT Stormwind Gift Collection or Undercity Gift Collection
- +30 STA Ironforge Gift Collection or Thunder Bluff Gift Collection
As a player, you can also woo NPCs with items purchased from innkeepers. Leading to perfumes or cologne bottles.
WoW Shadowlands
When it comes to Retail, players essentially have everything Classic has with even more to do. Starting with its revamp back in the 2010s, the Love Is in the Air event has received updates since then.
On top of the already given quests during Classic, players also get the option to complete the Dangerous Love quest line, participate in the Crown Chemical Co. dungeon, collect fancy dresses, and more.
One thing to note is that in Retail’s version of the event, players can collect Love Tokens. As the currency of the event, Love Tokens can be obtained via daily quests, killing the boss in the Crown Chemical Co., and farming Lovely Charms.
With Love Tokens in hand, players can visit their local Lovely Merchants which sells perfumes and colognes, giving buffs as well as Lovely Cards that serve the same purpose and more goodies.
That’s not all as completing the Crown Chemical Co. dungeon not only has a chance of giving a 184 ilvl neck, it has a small chance of dropping the x-45 Heartbreaker, an extremely rare mount from the Heart-Shaped Box reward.