Yakuza creator forms new studio, wants to craft a game larger than Yakuza


Nagoshi Studio Inc.largeLate last year, news came out that Toshihiro Nagoshi, the creator of the effortlessly charming Yakuza series, would step down from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and Sega at large. He moved to tech industry giant NetEase, which may have sparked some concerns over how this would affect his creative output. Fortunately, it looks like the Yakuza creator will have plenty of creative control, as he just formed a new development studio under NetEase called Nagoshi Studio. The team will consist of several key developers who worked alongside Nagoshi at RGG Studio. According to a statement made by Nagoshi, the studio will aim to maintain an open atmosphere and encourage meaningful conversations regardless of seniority. The studio’s team of nine members, including Nagoshi himself, will try to facilitate a work culture that sees mistakes as learning experiences rather than something to avoid at all costs. Nagoshi hopes that, through this positive work environment, the team will stay motivated to p…

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