Zenith: The Last City Gameplay First Impressions VR MMO – CG


CG writes: Aside from a few launch day server issues, we managed to get some time in Ramen VRs just released VR MMO Zenith: The Last City. Aside from games like VR Chat, this is quite new for us, although not the first time developers have attempted to make an MMO like this. After 30 minutes finding our feet in an American server, we think this game has much potential. We really like the sci-fi-cum-fantasy setting (think Phantasy Star Online) and if the player counts can remain high, then aside from being a fun game to play, a neat place to socialize online with friends and other people from around the globe. Take a look at our Zenith: The Last City gameplay impressions video. The game is available now for Meta/Oculus headsets, Playstation VR, WMR, Steam VR headsets. We also believe there is cross-play.

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