Destiny 2: The Witch Queen release time confirmed


Destiny 2: The Witch Queen release time confirmed

Destiny 2‘s next major expansion is nearly here, and you know what a modern expansion launch means: a whole big schedule of downtime, pre-loads, and a release time to keep track of. With the most recent edition of This Week At Bungie, the devs have provided a precise breakdown of the Destiny 2: The Witch Queen release time.

If you’ve missed the details up to this point, the Destiny 2: Witch Queen release date is set to launch on February 22. You can follow that link for a broad overview of the expansion, but Bungie has been providing more granular details over the past few weeks, including a look at the revamped Gambit mode.

Destiny 2 goes down for maintenance on Monday, February 21 at 6:45pm PST / 9:45pm EST, or Tuesday, February 22 at 2:45am GMT. Pre-loads for the Witch Queen will begin 15 minutes after downtime, at 7pm PST / 10pm EST / 3am GMT. 14 hours of maintenance will follow before Destiny 2 comes back online.

RELATED LINKS: Destiny 2: Beyond Light review, Destiny 2 exotics, Play Destiny 2

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