Doom Shinobi mod is basically a new Ninja Gaiden


Doom Shinobi mod is basically a new Ninja Gaiden

It seems like every day there’s a new Doom mod that completely blows away our understanding of what Doom mods can achieve – from open-world apocalypse to Golden Axe. Now the Doom Shinobi mod threatens to add Doom to the best sword games on PC, as it turns the shooter into basically Ninja Gaiden 4.

The new Doom Shinobi mod is out now and can be downloaded from ModDB. Creator edypagaza says they aimed “to bring and experience a new gameplay style for players” and they have definitely done just that. While there is some similarity to the third-person melee combat mod for Doom II, that’s based more on weaponless hand-to-hand combat.

Doom Shinobi, on the other hand, is all about awesome and ridiculous swordplay. The mod adds a traditional ninja blade, a ridiculous Final Fantasy VII-like broadsword, and throwing weapons like shurikens and kunai knives. Players can unleash multiple combo types and even magic powers against the demons. It really is quite insane.

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