Genshin Impact — Bokuso Arts and Luxurious Chests guide


Genshin Impact Bokuso Arts Luxurious Chest Light Realm Core Seelie BarrierBokuso Arts are upgrades for the Bokuso Box gadget in Genshin Impact. These will buff your entire party while you’re doing the Three Realms Gateway Offering event in Enkanomiya, and as long as you have the gadget equipped. Here’s our Genshin Impact Bokuso Arts guide to help you obtain these perks by opening Luxurious Chests and collecting Light Realm Cores. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub.   Genshin Impact Bokuso Arts guide – Luxurious Chests and Light Realm Cores There are six Bokuso Arts in Genshin Impact, which means six Light Realm Cores from Luxurious Chests. Before we discuss where we can find all of them, let’s talk about the perks. These can be unlocked in any order, though I do have some suggestions based on experience and character roster. Blessing of the Tortoise – +30% DEF and +20% HP. Generally useless, as you likely won’t need it as much. Save it for last. Ward of …

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