Genshin Impact guide — The Aftermath and Call of Ice and Thunder


Genshin Impact Aphotic Diffusal Aftermath Call Of Ice And ThunderAfter activating the Towers of the Void, you can do The Aftermath of the Aphotic Diffusal quest in Genshin Impact. This will lead to a few more steps and some key battles, including one against a returning foe. Here’s our Genshin Impact guide to help you with The Aftermath and the Call of Ice and Thunder. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Likewise, you can take a look at our main guide for the Three Realms Gateway Offering event.   Genshin Impact – The Aftermath and the Call of Ice and Thunder The Aftermath Return to Dainichi Mikoshi and talk to Tsumi again. She tells you about an Abyss Lector whom you’ll find in the Library area. Guess who it is? Well, it’s none other than our old pal, “Enjou,” who’s here for another bout. Avoid his spells and drop his HP until he brings out his Pyro shield. Continue avoiding his attacks while causing elemental reactions to deplete his shie…

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