Rockstar Announces Grand Theft Auto 6 Is Now In Active Development


After many years of waiting and excessively leveraging the rewards of Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar games has announced in their latest News Wire blog that development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series has begun. By the wording also sounds like it is well in progress.

Rockstar has quietly announced GTA 6

Rockstar has announced that they are actively developing the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. According to the latest news wire on their website, which details the next-gen updates, a March 15th release date and more features coming to GTA Online, the end of the news wire confirms that Grand Theft Auto 6 is indeed in development and perhaps has been for a while. ‘


Anyone who has played Grand Theft Auto V across 3 console generations will understand the frustration of playing the same game time and again and waiting for Rockstar to announce the next entry in the series. Fans all over the world have taken a massive sigh of relief at this news and are now eagerly going to wait for updates.

The news simply states that the development is well underway which can be interpreted as anyway, there is no time better than the present for Rockstar to release GTA 6 just as we enter the age of the PS5 and the Xbox Series X consoles, some of the most powerful consoles we have seen yet in gaming.

We can only hope that Rockstar does indeed release the latest entry sooner rather than later, but this is the first time as well that Rockstar has publicly acknowledged working on a Grand Theft Auto title, which alone is cause for celebration.

What are your thoughts on the news and when do you think we will see the first trailer or look at Grand Theft Auto 6? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post Rockstar Announces Grand Theft Auto 6 Is Now In Active Development appeared first on WhatIfGaming.

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