Total War: Warhammer III — Alliance Outposts and Allegiance Points guide

Total War: Warhammer III now lets you build Alliance Outposts to truly bolster your armies. In essence, you’ll be able to acquire the units from other factions, adding a lot of variety. Here’s our Total War: Warhammer III guide to help you with Alliance Outposts and earning Allegiance Points. Note: For more information, check out our Total War: Warhammer III guides and features hub. Total War: Warhammer III Alliance Outposts and Allegiance Points guide Building and upgrading outposts You can only build Alliance Outposts in Total War: Warhammer III once you’ve established a defensive alliance with another faction. This will cost 3,000 gold, and it can only be built in a provincial capital that your buddy controls. The Outpost will have three levels, with succeeding ones allowing you to recruit from their global recruitment pool (while also lowering costs). The above is fairly important, since you don’t really want to waste your gold on a faction with on…